2. Approval of the research proposal

No later than two (2) years from the student’s acceptance and after an AC was appointed, the student will form a full research proposal, while consulting the academic advisor and the member of the AC, and submit it to the AC. While forming the proposal, and before the meeting of the AC in which the student will be tested on the proposal, the student will conduct personal meetings with each AC member, without the presence of the academic advisor.


The student will keep record of these meetings, their dates and content. These records will later be used while submitting the full research proposal for approval.


The AC will convene to test the student on the research proposal. At least three (3) members will participate in that session. An AC member who will not be able to attend the meeting will send a written review of the proposal. All research proposal will undergo an AC review.


At the conclusion of this process, the AC will decide whether or not to recommend the student’s proceeding to Stage 2. The AC’s recommendation requires the confirmation of the Faculty’s and TAU’s relevant institutions. In addition, completion of stage 1 is dependent on completing the required courses.

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