1. Stage One Research Student

Academic obligations of Stage 1 students

Stage 1 students will be required to complete 9 academic credits during stage 1 as according to the policy. These courses will include:

  • PhD students’ workshop (3 credits);
  • Methodological Dilemmas in Social Sciences (2 credits)

One or two additional methodological and/or theoretical courses in the amount of 4 credits according to the supervisor's recommendation, depending on the student's background and research needs. Each of the courses must be completed with a grade of at least 80%.

The cost for stage 1 is approximately 4000 shekels for Israeli citizens and approximately 5000 shekels for foreign students. 


The PhD program will be carried out according the accompanying committee (hereinafter: “AC”) model, as is customary throughout the Faculty. While the student is writing the full research proposal and no later than one (1) year from the student’s acceptance, the academic advisor will send the committee his/her suggestion for the AC. The composition of the AC will be approved by the committee. The academic advisor will serve as chair of the AC. The final composition of the AC will be approved by the School’s committee and then by the Faculty’s committee.

The AC will be comprised of 2-4 members. The number of members will be determined by the chairperson according to the member’s academic expertise and the topics of the student’s research. An AC member must meet the following criteria:

  • He/she is a faculty member at TAU or another research university, Israeli or non-Israeli, which is has a similar or higher academic ranking.
  • At least one AC member will be from another academic unit / university.
  • All members will hold a rank of at least a senior lecturer, and on tenure track.
  • Pending the committee’s approval, one AC member may hold the rank of lecturer at the regular track or senior lecturer and above in the parallel / adjunct tracks. This eligibility applies to faculty members of other universities as well. Such an appointment will be reported to the TAU committee according to the committee’s protocol.
  • Each member will declare, using the committee’s standard form, that he/she do not have any familial or personal connection with the student and do not hold any non-academic interest in the research. The declaration will also include a commitment to serve as an active member of the AC. 

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