
We need your help to make our program grow


Founded in 2009, the International Program has made tremendous achievements in cultivating top applicants; employing world-renowned academicians and professionals as lecturers; inviting guest speakers from around the world; and advancing the field of conflict resolution as an academic discipline, and Tel Aviv University as a hub of learning -- all of this being facilitated by a small and dedicated administrative team.

In order for the International Program to move forward and grow, we need your help and partnership:

  • Middle Eastern student scholarship fund: the program is looking for contributors to help fund 10 Palestinian, Jordanian, Eygptian or other students from the Middle East to a full tuition and living expenses scholarships. 
  • Providing more opporunities for interested students to learn with us and become succesful leaders around the world through need-based scholarships
  • Mentorship and job placements, during and after the students' studies
  • Hosting international academic competitions and symposia
  • Attending conferences abroad
  • and much more


For more information on giving opportunities, please contact:

Dr. Nimrod Rosler, Program Head: 

Mr. Corey Gil-Shuster, Program Director:  


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