Fabian Spengler: Dortmund, Germany

Political Science and Journalism background

Fabian's path

Fabian Spengler achieved a BA in journalism with a minor in politics in Germany. During his studies, he spent a semester abroad in Lebanon which inspired his passion to understand the peoples and cultures of the Middle East. While working and interning as a journalist in Germany and abroad, he understood that only by studying in an intensive program in the Middle East, could he specialize his talents and passions. Fabian decided that Tel Aviv University International Program in Conflict Resolution and Mediation fit his goals. He could concentrate on understanding the political, psychological and cultural aspects of the Middle East from experts who have been working in the field for years. His goal was to be a journalist specializing in the Middle East or an expert in a think tank. During his first semester, Fabian was inspired by his courses in Middle Eastern History, and Islamic Perspectives on Conflict so decided to dedicate his research to learning about Islamic cultures. In his second and third semesters he studied courses on Israeli Society and Palestinian Society, Populist Leadership in the Middle EastFascism, National and Ethnic Conflicts Around the World, and Decision Making in Conflict. Fabian was inspired to stay another year and wrote his thesis on the clash of Islamic norms in today’s European society. Fabian is now working on his Ph.D. in Middle Eastern Studies at Tel Aviv University.

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