Principles and Processes of Negotiation in Conflict Resolution

Advocate Jonathan Kowarsky

Academic Director for Israel Center for Negotiation and Mediation, mediator/lawyer, and Supervisor and Trainer for National Mediation Program (2 credits)


The course will offer to the students an in-depth understanding of the negotiation process which includes:  


  • How to prepare for the negotiation process and how to apply a negotiation management model, based on interests and the appreciation of cognitive processes occurring while negotiating;
  • An introduction to a number of tools and skills aimed to improve overall negotiation capabilities - while coping with the emotional aspects and enhancing each participant's awareness to his or her own personal style.


An emphasis will be placed on the cultivation of long term business and workplace relationships.


The principal premise of the course assumes that skilled negotiators can bypass unnecessary conflicts and resolve disputes while negotiating multi-party negotiation principles without the aid of third party intervention. 


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