Kesem Omer

Kesem Omer

University of Colorado

Class of 2013


Kesem Omer is currently a Conduct Coordinator at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Following her degree in the International Program in Conflict Resolution adn Mediation, she continued with another MA in Higher Education and Policy Studies from University of Central Florida (UCF) in Orlando. Kesem was a Student Success Coach at Rollins College in Winter Park, an office that coaches and advises students in transforming student’s strengths, dreams, and goals into their college years and beyond. Kesem also serves as an academic mentor at UCF a few days a week in with the football team guiding them through their classes, aiding with time-management, and encouraging goal setting with student athlete accountability.

Prior to her receiving her M.A. from Tel Aviv University she spent half a year volunteering in Israel with a Bialik Rogozin, a school in the south of Tel Aviv. Over the course of the 6 months she taught English daily to elementary students to high school students. The students at the school consisted of children of foreign workers, refugees, asylum seekers, Israeli-Arabs and other Israeli minorities.

For more information on Kesem, see her LinkedIn page. 

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