Why it Worked? Presentation of findings from a first-of-its-kind international study

June 24th, 2024 | 16:00-19:00 | Anu, Tel Aviv University

In these difficult days of war, hardship, and pain, we continue to believe that the Israeli society, on all its parts, owes itself a deep, thorough, and courageous examination of the possibilities before it: How do we overcome the difficult feeling of despair and deadlock, and from where do we draw the strength to hope for a different future for all of us?


After two years of work – and especially now – we invite you to the presentation of findings from a first-of-its-kind international study - 

Why it Worked?

We would be delighted if you could join us for this unique opportunity to step back for a moment and examine what can be learned from research on other violent conflicts around the world that 

have managed to create a better reality. 


The event will bring together leaders from all groups and sectors in Israel for a joint reflection on what worked in other places, what is similar and different, and the implications and relevance to our local reality here and now.


The conference is the first public unveiling of a civil society initiative committed to creating an in-depth, vibrant, and inclusive public discourse, based on research and knowledge, through different worldviews, aimed at enabling a future of positive transformation of the Israeli-Palestinian-regional conflict, which takes a heavy and inhuman toll from all of us. 


Entry will be by prior registration only, and the number of places at the conference is limited. 

Please register at the attached link, and we will get back to you soon with more details.

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