Scholarships and Financial Aid


There are multiple scholarship opportunities for students of the program. Please read through each of the tabs to determine which scholarships are appropriate for you. Students are welcome to apply for more than one scholarship.

Program Tuition Assistance

The International Program in Conflict Resolution and Mediation provides small amounts in financial aid in the form of tuition assistance to students. 


Students can apply once they have confirmed their participation in the program by paying the $1000 confirmation fee and submitting the confirmation form online. The due date for scholarship applications is June 15th Receiving a scholarship and the amount of that scholarship is entirely up to the Admissions Committee which bases it’s decision on a variety of factors. No one category of submission will result in receiving more money as the amount will depend on a variety of factors: the ability of the students, if the student is receiving other outside scholarships, the financial needs of the student, and the merit of the student  which may include GPA, suitability to the program, previous experiences and future goals. Students are notified if they will receive tuition assistance by June 30.


There are two categories of scholarships but all factors will be considered when the committee makes their decision:

  1. Needs-based scholarship. Students applying for needs-based scholarship are expected to demonstrate financial need by submitting bank statements and earning statements from the past year. Full instructions and the form to complete can be found here
  2. Merit-based scholarship. Students applying for the merit-based scholarship must demonstrate excellence through a combination of academic results, past experiences and future goals and plans. This may, but does not have to, include volunteering during the year with a particular project related to conflict resolution.  Full instructions and the form to complete can be found here.

Students should only apply for one scholarship and the amounts received are not based on which scholarship you apply for.

Note this scholarship is awarded by the TAU International Scholarship Fund of Lowy International. As a scholarship recipient, you will be be asked to accept the terms of The Lowy International Scholarship:

  • This scholarship is contingent on the successful completion of my program. Early withdrawal will result in the cancellation of the scholarship, and I will be liable for total tuition costs. In cases of overfunding (due to other scholarship awards), the University will initiate a payment recall to cover only the tuition.
  • By accepting this scholarship, you will commit to becoming a member of The Lowy International School's Ambassador Club and commit to fulfilling the associated responsibilities. 

"I learned how and why people fight each other. Without understanding conflict, you cannot solve it. As an international coordinator, I use my knowledge, skills and experience which I gained from this program every day. "


Youichi Tamaki, Japan

International Program Coordinator, Tokai University

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