PhD student second publication released

The article was just accepted for publication in Strategic Assessment and is focused on Israel-UAE relations

15 October 2024

We want to give a shout-out to our student Francesca Fassbender in the PhD in Conflict Resolution and Mediation. Working in Prof. Udi Sommer's research team, within her very first year in the program, she just published her second peer reviewed article on climate diplomacy and environmental peacebuilding. Her first peer-reviewed article with Udi was published in April 2024 in World Development, ranked as one of the top journals in the field. Her second article was just accepted for publication in Strategic Assessment and is focused on Israel-UAE relations. Two peer-reviewed publications in top outlets is an impressive accomplishment by any standard, and a testament to the high level of research produced by our graduate students in the PhD program in Conflict Resolution and Mediation.


Congratulations Francesca!

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